About Me
你好,我是袁克倫,你可以叫我 dokelung,我是一名小小軟體工程師,專長是電子設計自動化。 愛學習也愛分享,寫書來推廣熱愛的知識一直是我的夢想。 本應與 C++ 共度一生,卻意外成為 Python 的終極狂熱者,幾乎生活上的大小事都想用 Python 解決(可惜吃飯和上廁所不行),酷愛有關於 Python 的一切。
- R & D Engineer, Avatar Integrated System, 2017-now.
- R & D Engineer, ATopTech, 2015-2017.
- Administrator of substitute services draftees, BAPHIQ, 2014.
- Biology teacher, New Taipei Municipal Touqian Junior High School, 2013.
- Network/system management, EDA union lab of EDA group, NTU, 2012-2013. link
- Network management, BOT dorm, NTU, 2011-2013.
- Teaching assistant, computer-aided VLSI system design, GIEE NTU, 2012-2013.
- Python Tutor, 2012.
- Web maintainer, ALCOM lab, 2011-2012.
Research Interesting
- Electronics Design Automation
- Logic synthesis
- Hardware/software formal verification and VLSI testing
- Multi-valued encoding
- Multiset constraint solving
- Timing analysis
- Clock tree synthesis
- The 2nd place, CAD Contest at ICCAD, 2014. ( 國際積體電路電腦輔助設計競賽 )
- M.S. Best Thesis Award, GIEE, NTU, 2013. ( 台大電子所最佳碩論 )
- M.S. Thesis Award, Chuan Yan Technology, Taiwan, 2013. ( 全研科技論文獎 )
- Award for Excellent Performance, Trend Micro Programming Contest, 2012.
- The Second Award, ICCAD Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2011.
- Award of outstanding student for academic achievement, Dept. of EE, NCKU, 2007-2008. ( 成大書卷獎 )
- M.S., EDA group-ALCom lab, Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University, 2011-2013.
- B.S., Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, 2007-2011.